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Our value added services for clients

  • High-Speed Network Connectivity

    Two High-Speed Dedicated Internet Lease Line, Secured VPNs to Provide Global Connectivity, Dedicated Servers for Application Hosting and Testing, Remote Access, Firewall Protection to Prevent, Network Violation, Comprehensive Intranet for Organization Communication, Project Management, and Customer Relationship Management.

  • Communication Infrastructure

    VoIP Connectivity, Videoconferencing Facilities, Desktop Sharing, Presentation Tools.

  • Power Supply

    We ensure uninterrupted power availability round-the-clock. UPS and full generator backup is provided for the entire facility.

  • Data Security

    Regular Preventive Maintenance of Operating Systems and Software, Usage of failure-prediction tools such as S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) among others.

  • Data Confidentiality

    NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) with Clients, Regulations in Employee Contract, Strict Implementation and Maintenance of IP Security Policies.

  • Our Internal Systems

    Project Management Systems, Test & Development and Business User Environment Virtual Office, Management System, Process Control & Audit, Compliance Audit System.

Software Development and Management Company